
Samantha R.

Overnight Host at Indiana Wesleyan University

Class of 2020

Hometown: Crystal Lake, IL

Major: Psychology

Secondary Major: Leadership

My top strengths are...

Developer, Empathy, Positivity, Harmony, Individualization

I feel most alive when...

I feel most alive when I am serving others. When I can empower people to see their potential and encourage them to set and reach goals, I feel alive and I feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.

What connects me to my friends...

What connects me to my friends are both our shared interests and the things we differ in. The experiences we have had together and the late night heart-to-hearts are what really draws us together.

A few of my life goals are...

I hope to have the opportunity to study abroad one day. My dream/goal job would be a motivational speaker that writes books or blogs and does research somewhere in the psychology field. I also hope to have a family one day!

I'm passionate about...

Helping People See That They Can Succeed Empowering Others My Friends Mentoring

I'm involved with...

Intramural Sports Hanging with Friends Hiking
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