
Kristen C.

Tour Guides and Overnight Host at Indiana Wesleyan University

Class of 2019

Hometown: Jamestown, OH

Major: Human Communications

Minor: Christian Studies

I feel most alive when...

I feel most alive when I am spending time with my loved ones. Friends and family keep me going in this crazy thing we call life. I also enjoy doing anything athletic, hanging outside, and reading/writing.

A few of my life goals are...

One day I would love to be an author and public speaker. More than that, though, I want to have a family... a few kids or a dozen. I also hope to start my own business and travel all across the globe!

What connects me to my friends...

I'm that friend that everyone comes to for advice, but also the one that can just sit and listen. I love to go on silly, spontaneous adventures. Oh, and to laugh. Laughing's my favorite.

My top strengths are...

Input, Achiever, Activator, Developer, and Learner.

I'm passionate about...

Jesus Reading Writing Being Outside Sports

I'm involved with...

Delight I love to play basketball. Bible Study
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